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Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Recap - Women

While 'Big Ben' was leading the Steelers over the Chargers, Pittsburgh native Melissa McQuade was carrying the Golden Bears to a weekend split with Edinboro and Lock Haven.

Hollinger Game Score (includes Edinboro & Lock Haven games):

1. McQuade 16.1
2. Wisemiller 11.5
3. Schroeder 11.4
4. Dellegrotti 8.6
5. Starr 2.8
6. Dovey 2.5
7. Mertz -0.2
8. Greaves -1.5
9. LeVan -2.3
10. Melvin -3.7

Bonanno (Suspended for remainder of season)

Edinboro Boxscore
Lock Haven Boxscore
YTD Hollinger Game Score

Note: I'm pretty busy, which is why there is no analysis with this weekend's game score.

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