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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Keepin' busy

I recently accepted a job covering major league baseball for, which means more writing about baseball and less writing about Kutztown University athletics. For now, I will continue to post, but the game-by-game analysis will likely be the first thing to go once basketball season concludes. After that, my plan is to continue with occasional editorials and analysis.

I'd love to continue putting a ton of man hours into this site like I have been for the last year, but the new opportunity I've been presented with is actually a paid job. Since I have absolutely no income to show for this site, I'd be silly not to spend more time writing for some spending money, rather than just for fun.

I hope you will continue to check Kutztown University Vital Sports for updates and be sure to check out my work at!

In case you're interested, here are links to my first two stories:
1. Alex Rodriguez took steroids 5 years ago. Who cares?
2. Don't overlook a revamped Braves rotation.

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